3rd International Conference on Systems Thinking in Management (ICSTM 2004)


May 19-21, 2004
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA

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Transforming Organizations to Achieve Sustainable Success

The 3rd International Conference on Systems Thinking in Management (ICSTM 2004) will be held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA on May 19 - 21, 2004 at the University of Pennsylvania.

The University's Ackoff Center for the Advancement of Systems Approaches (ACASA) and the Association For Enterprise Integration (AFEI) are co-hosting the conference.

The Conference will feature a celebration of over 50 years of contributions to the management sciences by Russell L. Ackoff. In addition, for the first time ever, many of the world's best known systems thinkers will be in one place at one time. This is an event that you cannot afford to miss if you are interested in systems thinking or in transforming your organization.

Sponsorship Opportunities available!


Featured Speakers


The conference will feature many of the top systems thinkers in the world, including:

Russell Ackoff, Professor Emeritus, the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania

Chris Argyris, Harvard University and the Monitor Group

Vince Barabba, Former GM Executive, Chairman, Internet Home Alliances and the author of the forthcoming book in systems thinking to be published by Oxford University Press - Surviving Transformation: Lessons from GM's Surprising Turnaround.

Peter Checkland, Lancaster University Management School, UK

Michael C. Jackson, University of Hull, UK

Allenna Leonard, American Society for Cybernetics

Michael Maccoby, author and President of The Maccoby Group

Ian Mitroff, University of Southern California

John Sterman, MIT System Dynamics Group

Margaret J. Wheatley, author and President of the Berkana Institute




Town Hall Meeting

For the first time ever, eight leading systems thinkers (representing soft systems thinking, critical systems thinking, systems dynamics, viable models and cybernetics, chaos and complexity theory) will engage with Russell L. Ackoff on discussions of emergent issues important to managing in the years ahead.

Evening Dinner honoring Russell L. Ackoff

The University of Pennsylvania and the Ackoff Center for the Advancement of Systems Approaches (ACASA) is elebrating 50 years of contributions to the management sciences by Russell Ackoff.

This will be held at the Egyptian Room of the University Museum. The Academy of Vocal Arts (AVA) will provide opera singers to perform at the event.


The conference has received more than 170 important abstracts from 22 countries covering 5 continents.


Sponsorship Opportunities


Conference sponsors will receive prominent recognition for their contributions on the conference web site, in promotional materials and during the event. There are a number of opportunities available. An Event Sponsorship Schedule is available which provides the details, including choices available to potential sponsors.




University of Pennsylvania
Ackoff Center for the Advancement of Systems Approaches (ACASA)

Visit Penn's web site




Dave Chesebrough (703-247-2597)
John Pourdehnad (215-898-3990)
Nicole Peterson (703-247-9474)