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FITARA Implementation Symposium II
Tracing to Outcomes – Increasing Visibility
Event Number
Army Navy Country Club, Arlington, VA
Tammy Kicker, 703-247-9494, [email protected]
Federal Information Technology Reform Act Symposium Series
The Federal Information Technology Acquisition Reform Act (FITARA) is one of the key elements of the current administration's efforts to improve Government information technology. It aligns with the Administrations key technology objectives of
(1) driving value in Federal IT investments,
(2) delivering world-class digital services, and
(3) protecting Federal IT assets and information.
FITARA outlines specific requirements related to:
1. Enhanced Authority for Chief Information Officers (CIO) 2. Increased Transparency and Improved Risk Management 3. Expanded Portfolio Reviews 4. Expansion of Training for IT Personnel 5. Consolidating Data Centers 6. Maximizing the Benefit of the Federal Strategic Sourcing 7. Government-wide Software Purchasing
Purpose This symposium is the second in a series of Government – Industry discussions of the implementation of FITARA and its implications for Federal IT Acquisition reform. The series will address various aspects of how FITARA will be implemented and the changes this will bring to the Federal IT acquisition landscape, and will feature talks from both Government and industry leaders on various aspects of the legislation.
Theme: Tracing to Outcomes – Increasing Visibility
Transparency is a key element of FITARA. Agencies will need to trace plans, investments, budgets, procurements and resources to business and mission outcomes. The approaches pioneered to enhance visibility across the CxO communities can benefit all areas of Government.
Session 1 - DHS Management Cube Case Study, Use of Analytics to Improve Performance and Boost Decision-making
Chris Chilbert, Deputy Executive Director, Enterprise Business Management Office and Kirsten Dalboe will present DHS efforts and results for increasing visibility across the DHS enterprise, as well as mission results achieved in IT and other areas. They will demonstrate the DHS Management Cube, a management decision-making tool developed using GovDashboard that aggregates data across all DHS domains (HR, security, facilities, contracts, projects, etc.) and presents the information in intuitive dashboards.
Session 2 - FITARA Implementation Leads Panel
The second part of the symposium will feature a panel of agency implementation leads from various organizational functions (CIO, CFO, Human Captial, Procurement) addressing planning to achieve the 30-point common baseline and how agencies will transform the way they use IT to perform their day-to-day functions. The session will examine experiences with identifying gaps, roles and responsibilities and approaches to developing cost transparency.
On June 10 OMB released its guidance for FITARA implementation in a memo from Shaun Donovan: M-15-14, Management and Oversight of Federal Information Technology. Download the memo here.
Read Federal CIO Tony Scott's June 10, 2015 blog post, A New Foundation for Technology Management, on CIO.Gov here.
FITARA changes the Chief Information Officer’s (CIO) role significantly, and will impact the Chief Financial Officer (CFO), Chief Human Capital Officer (CHCO), Chief Acquisition Officer (CAO), Assistant Secretaries for Management (ASAM), Chief Operating Officers (COOs), and IT Program Management communities.
Key objectives for the regular agency reviews under PrtfolioStat that are driven by FITARA are:
- Provide a multi-year strategy to identify and reduce duplication and waste within the IT portfolio of the agency, including component-level investments and to identify projected cost savings resulting from such strategy;
- Identify or develop ways to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the IT investments of the agency;
- Identify or develop opportunities to increase the use of shared-service delivery models;
- Identify potential duplication and waste;
- Develop plans for actions to optimize the IT portfolio, programs, and resources of the agency;
- Review investments included in High Impact Programs; and
- Develop ways to better align the IT portfolio, programs, and financial resources of the agency to long term mission requirements or strategic plans required by law.
AFEI is hosting this series to help Government agencies and their industry partners understand more about how the legislation affects them, examine the challenges they will face, and help agencies take steps to implement FITARA using an agile and outcome driven approach. The events will showcase best practices and benefits, and help agencies develop a road map to successful implementation and demonstrable results. The events will also provide industry a better understanding of how to support agency efforts.
Army-Navy Country Club 1700 Army Navy Drive Arlington, VA
7:00 AM |
Registration and Breakfast |
8:00 AM |
Welcome and Introductions |
Keynote Speaker
FITARA Implementation from the CIO’s Perspective
Richard McKinney Chief Information Officer Department of Transportation |
8:30 AM |
Session 1
The DHS Management Cube - Moving Multiple Lines of Busines Towards FITARA Implementation
Case Study
Kirsten Dalboe Program Manager, DHS
DHS has developed a management cube that uses data-driven analytics to help answer who, what, when, where, why and how questions, and make decisions to better manage DHS as a whole. The management cube is an enterprise data warehouse with an analytics tool on top that fuses data across 6 lines of business including CFO, CAO/CHCO, CIO, real property, etc.
"This effort is led by a close partnership between the Office of the Chief Information Officer and the Office of the Chief Financial Officer, ...by reducing the burden of data gathering and correlation, the Management Cube will allow us to better explore trends, relationships, and correlations across people, asset, funding, and investment data."
- Chris Cummiskey, Under Secretary for Management(Acting)
9:15 AM |
Facilitated Table Discussion |
9:45 AM |
Networking Break |
10:00 AM |
Session 2
EPA Implementer Panel Discussion
A panel of key leads from the EPA who are charged with aspects of FITARA implementation will address how EPA is planning to achieve the 30-point common baseline by December 31.
The session will examine experiences with identifying gaps, roles and responsibilities and approaches to developing cost transparency.
Elena Larsen, Associate Director, Mission Investment Solutions Division, Office of Technology Operations and Planning
Carol Terris, Director, Office of Budget
Doug Baptist, Procurement Anaylst |
11:00 AM |
Facilitated Table Discussion |
11:30 AM |
Session 3
FITARA at a Cabinet-level Department The USDA Approach Joyce Hunter, Deputy Chief Information Officer (DCIO), USDA
A preview of a future case study |
12:00 PM |
Summary of Discussion and Adjourn |
Army Navy Country Club 1700 Army Navy Drive Arlington
Free Parking
Army Navy Drive Entrance 1700 Army Navy Drive Arlington, VA 22202
South 18th Street Entrance 2400 South 18th Street Arlington, VA 22204
For Driving Directions visit the Army Navy Country Club here
About Registration Registration is online and opens on August 25th.
Online Pre-registration will close Monday, October 19, 2015. After this date you may register at the event per the onsite fee.
PLEASE NOTE: This event utilizes the NDIA customer portal and registration system. Helpful information is posted below on what is needed to register online. A customer account is needed to login and register for any event.
Registration Fee Schedule
Online Registration is now CLOSED. (Explanation of Registration Categories are listed below)
Registration Fee |
Early Fee through Oct 19 |
Onsite fee begins Oct 20 |
Government Civilian and US Active Duty Military
(reference to registration policies below) |
No fee |
No fee |
Academia |
$75 |
$175 |
AFEI/NDIA/PSC/NVTC Industry Member |
$275 |
$375 |
Industry Non-Member |
$325 |
$425 |
Corporate Registration Package (4 Attendees) |
$900 |
$1,300 |
Registration will close Monday, October 19th. There will be onsite registration available at the Onsite fee schedule. Please note that an incorrect registration is held responsibile for any applicable corrective payment based on the fee at the time of original regisitration date. An email notification will be sent with details of the incorrection and process to rectify.
No refunds can be given for cancellation of this event. All cancellations must be in writing. Substitutions are welcome in lieu of a cancellation. There is a $75.00 change fee if a financial change (new credit card, change in fee, etc.) must be made. Requests for substitutions must be made in writing to Tammy Kicker ([email protected]).
Commitment Policy for Complimenary Registration If your registration is complimentary please consider your free registration as a commitment to attend. AFEI is committed to foster dialogue between Government and Industry on critical issues and offers this complimentary registration to enable event attendance by those who might otherwise not get approval.
We ask our complimentary registered colleagues to place the same importance on attending the event as if payment was made. Your failure to attend has a negative impact on expectations, networking and the quality of the experience. Be sure to SAVE the Date on your Calendar!
Registration Categories
Government Registration - Complimentary
Complimentary Government registration is for US Government Employees or active duty US military only. A government employee email is necessary at time of registration process in order to validate complimentary attendance.
A valid government employee ID is required onsite to validate status upon entry. Contractors working at Government facilities do not qualify for Government registration and must register as Industry.
Industry Registration
Individual registration Industry individual rate is available to employees of corporate orginazations Government contractors and FFRDC are within this category.
Corporate Package Registration Companies may purchase a corporate registration package for up to four persons at substantial savings over individual rates.
The registration must be completed online using a single form of payment by the main company representative attending. The form below is for the additional corporate registrants. This form must be completed and emailed or faxed within ten (10) days of the online registration closing date.
Corporate Registration Package (Form for the 3 additional registrants) Additional Corporate Registrants form
Academia Academia rate is available for full-time students or professors at an academic institution (not for adjunct). Valid ID from an academic institution is required onsite. Individual academia registrations may be purchased online.
Online Registering Through the NDIA Customer Portal AFEI is a part of NDIA and all online registrations are purchased through the NDIA customer portal.
If you already have an account with NDIA you may login to register using your email address on file or Customer ID number and your password. Assistance is available from NDIA Association Services.
If you do not have an account with NDIA then you must create a new account and then continue with the registration process.
NOTE: Creating a customer account does not register you for the event. You must purchase the registration AFTER creating the customer account.
For assistance please e-mail NDIA Association Services ([email protected]) or call (703) 522-1820.
Sponsorship Opportunities
Sponsorships are a great way for companies to build brand awareness and thought leadership recognition among the transformational leaders and Government buyers. They help your brand stand out, and afford you the opportunity to present your ideas on how you can help our Government stakeholders get to the solutions they seek to be more efficient and effective.
Event Partner Sponsorship
Government contractors and commercial companies can gain maximum exposure to Government leaders and their team through pre-event, on-site, and post-event marketing activities.
Sponsorship includes:
- Company logo on all event marketing materials (emails distributed to 100,000+, brochures distributed at industry events, AFEI/ODG website pages)
- One tailored ODG LinkedIn group post, featured in event social campaign
- Four (4) Symposium registrations
- Tabletop in conference Pre-function area
- Company logo on signage and screen
- Table in Event for company representatives to lead and record roundtable discussions (limited number of roundtables – will be decided on a first-come, first-served basis)
- Company logo on roundtable discussion idea publication distributed to all attendees
One (1) dedicated company email sent to all attendees (distributed by ODG)
Event Partner Sponsorship Fee: $2,500.00
FITARA Symposium Series Premiere Sponsorship
Premiere Sponsors receive all the Event Partner Sponsorship benefits at every Symposium Series event in 2015 (three symposium events are planned in 2015, a $7,500 value)
In addition, Premiere sponsorship includes opportunity to introduce keynote speakers and introduce your company to the audience at one of the series events.
Your company logo can be featured in our media partner promotions, including website banners and social media promotions.
Series Premiere Sponsor Fee: $6,500.00
Contact Tammy Kicker ([email protected]) or Dave Chesebrough ([email protected]) for details and an application.
Attendee Information
Attire Appropriate dress for this conference is business casual for civilians and class B uniform for military. During registration and check-in, each participant will be issued an identification badge. Please be prepared to present a picture ID. Badges must be worn at all conference functions.
Special Needs AFEI supports the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Attendees with special needs or allergies/dietary restrictions should call or email Tammy Kicker, at (703) 247- 9494, ([email protected]).
Point of Contact
Tammy Kicker, CEM, CMP AFEI Business Operations [email protected] (703) 247-9494